
Dear Students,
Internet is a tool that we will certainly use in this learning process. This is a space for us to keep in touch,to plan our work, to help solve doubts,etc. So, please keep that in mind when working, and avoid wasting your time(and ours)in visiting pages you alredy know you are not allowed to, nor posting comments with offensive or mean words. You know that respect is the fundamental core of our teacher-student relationship.

This is our site, let's make the most of it.

Miss Sylvia Veloso

viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

Extra homework

Dear Students, I'm sorry for sending this task a little late.
Your Assignment is the following:

1. Define Phrasal Verbs (in English and Spanish)
Write 5 phrasal verbs with the verb "BRING"
Give one sentences as example for each phrase.
Write 5 phrasal verbs with the verb "GET"
Give one sentences as example for each phrase.


Go to this website

Complete the sentences and copy them on your copybook.

Have a nice weekend!

See you on Monday

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

3° HC- 18/ 04 "At the airport"

Visit the web pages below and do the following:



Listen to the announcement and answer the questions. Copy the questions and correct answers on your copybook.

2. http://www.esl-lab.com/newyorktravel/newyork-travelrd1.htm

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. . Copy the questions and correct answers on your copybook.

3. Read the text and make a vocabulary list with the words in black. The vocabulary must include: a definition in English and two sentences in English.


(For the definitions you will need an online English- English dictionary, try this site http://www.ldoceonline.com/ )

4° HC Quiz 3

Dear Students,

The assignment for today is the following:

1. Visit these websites and answer the following questions:


a. What are the most common categories for British newspapers?
b.In what aspects tabloids and broadsheet are different? Name 3.
c. How many daily newspapers there exist in Britain?
d. Name three functions of newspapers frontpages.
e. Give two examples of tabloids and two examples of broadsheets

2. Look at this site and learn about the different parts you can find in any front cover of a newspaper:


Label the parts in each of the pictures below (you might want to use an editor program such as paint, or you can do it in Microsoft word, what suits you best):

Tabloid front page:


Broadsheet front page:


Send this assignment to the email address: sylviecilla@gmail.com.
The deathline for this is April 21st .

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

4º HC 04/04 Quiz 2


1. Answer in English and Spanish the following questions (15 points):




1. What is an opinion essay?

2. What is the function of the introduction in an essay?

3. Name 4 doe’s related to writing essays

4. Name 4 don’t related to writing essays.

5. What are the 10 steps when writing an essay? Name them.

II. Correct the following essay considering the following (10 points):

10 spelling mistakes (1º paragraph: 1/ 2ºparagraph: 4/ 3º paragraph: 2 / 4º paragraph: 2/5º paragraph : 2)

Our appearance, the way we dress, etc., reflects who we are. It is therefore important to be consistent in the stile we adopt throughout our lives.

Nowadays, the way we dress is a clear refleccion of our lifestyle. Things such hair style or clothes can communicate the miusic we like, our favorite books and our personality. However, not everybody understands well this kind of languaje, and this might produce a lot of prejudgments between piople in our society

On the one hand, when you see someone you have never seen befor, you just can find out things about him by seeing his appearance. It happens in our life every day. Accordingly, we should adopt a consistent style which expresses the things wi want to project.

On the other hand, sometimes we have to adapt our style to certain contexts. Therefore, it creates an illusion or a blurred image of ourselves. We like expressing ourselves with our own style, but samtimes it can be offensive or not appropriated for some people or contexts. For ixample, someone who likes rock music is usually long-haired, but when he wants to apply for a job he is told to cut his wonderful hair in order to be consistent in the “style” of the corporation.

To sum up, I think it’s important to try to be consistent in the style we dress as it is what we “say” to people who see us. Nevertheless, it creates a false image of everybody forcing us not to rely totaly on what we see.

2. What is your opinion about this essay? (write 80 -120 words approx.) 10 points

Please, send your answers to sylviecilla@gmail.com in a doc format (attached)