
Dear Students,
Internet is a tool that we will certainly use in this learning process. This is a space for us to keep in touch,to plan our work, to help solve doubts,etc. So, please keep that in mind when working, and avoid wasting your time(and ours)in visiting pages you alredy know you are not allowed to, nor posting comments with offensive or mean words. You know that respect is the fundamental core of our teacher-student relationship.

This is our site, let's make the most of it.

Miss Sylvia Veloso

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

8º -Web quest – Guinness Records.

8º -Web quest – Guinness Records.
I.  Read this webpage and find the following phrases
History of Guinness World Records
1.       Ahora tiene un registro como el libro más popular.
2.       Él de alguna manera se vio involucrado en un intercambio de palabras.
3.       Es el libro con más posibilidades de ser robado.
4.       Libro anual que ha vendido millones de copias.
5.       Más comúnmente conocido
6.       Mientras él trataba de encontrar la respuesta.
7.       Promover sus productos.
8.       Que salieron cada año.
9.       Se rumorea que la idea original.
10.   Traer más ingresos  a la compañía.
11.   Un montón de gente no se da cuenta en realidad.
12.   Un pensamiento vino a su mente.
13.   Un poco vaga su respuesta.
14.   Una cervecería famosa.

II. Read this website and answer TRUE or FALSE to the following sentences. Correct false statements.
1. Linda Wolfe, who has married 23 times, is from Indiana.
2.  Suresh Joachian set a record watching 27 hours of TV straight.
3. Jackie Bibby put 87 Rattlesnakes in a Bathtub.
4.  Manoharan ate 200 earthworms in 30 seconds with the help of some ketchup.
5. Robert Foster who held his breath more than 13 minutes is from Italy.
6. Ashrita Furman was able to hold 10 beer glasses on his chin.
7. Paul Henry Allen Lynch did 124 one-finger push-ups.
8. Garry Turner stretched the skin of his hands to 6.25 inches.
9. Sam Heath created a giant bubble and encapsulated more than 20 people.
10. Mike Moral set a Guinness record when he squirted milk from one of his eyes.

III.          Go to this website and search the following records

Use this information to complete the chart below.
What? size / time / number...
Longest ears on a dog - ever

the longest hair (female)

Most piercings in a lifetime (female)

the tallest man ever

the longest fingernails (female)

the heaviest limousine car

Shortest man living (mobile)

Heaviest weight lifted by tongue

the most expensive guitar

the widest mouth

Largest playing card structure

Longest nose on a living person

link video n° 3



____Cooking will be done by pushing different buttons to get the ingredients.
____Fridges will keep food fresh at least six month.
____ Ovens will use infra red lights.
____ Punched cards will be used to get the recipes.
____ The stove will be used to get the recipes.
____The stove will use electromagnetic radiation.
____There will be some appliances called BST

____TV shopping will be quick and easy


Watch and listen to the video.
Complete the script using the words from the table:
afternoon aluminum artist atmosphere bride
broom changes color designer dress
electric evening famous headlights keys
pockets probably skirts telephone sleeve temperature time transparent woman
Some of the most ________________________fashion designers in the US today have been asked to focus what Eve would like in AD 2000. One idea is a ________________________can be adapted for morning, ________________________or evening; it’s the _____________what does it.
According to another ________________________, one dress of the future will consist of ________________________knit; the knit ________________________to catch the male.
Apparently in AD 2000 we should be having a hair rising ________________________, yet another ________________________goes so far as to believe that ______________________ will disappear entirely. Shoes will have can deliver heels and an ________________________ belt will adapt the body to climatic ________________________.
The lightly clear ________________________of tomorrow …uh, switch will move in an_______________________that scientifically kept to the right ________________________.
The future ________________________in a wedding dress of glass what the ________________________will wear apart from what he looks isn’t mentioned.
A dress of ________________________with a zip to change it for afternoon or ________________________, and electric ________________________that help her find an honest man.
And for him, as if he matters at all, there will any shaving, ________________________
, ties or ____________________. It will be filled with a _______________________ , a radio, and containers for coins, ___________ and candies for cuties.
II. Watch this video
Answer these questions in Spanish.
Cuanta gente visitaba Monsanto, la casa del futuro?
Cómo serán las luces de Monsanto?
De qué material serán los platos?
Cuantas zonas tendrá el refrigerador en esa casa?
Cómo se cocinarán los alimentos?
Qué ventajas tiene el plástico en la murallas, pisos y muebles?
Cómo será la sala de estar (living room) de la casa?
Qué aparatos habrán en los baños?
Qué característica tendrán las ventanas?