
Dear Students,
Internet is a tool that we will certainly use in this learning process. This is a space for us to keep in touch,to plan our work, to help solve doubts,etc. So, please keep that in mind when working, and avoid wasting your time(and ours)in visiting pages you alredy know you are not allowed to, nor posting comments with offensive or mean words. You know that respect is the fundamental core of our teacher-student relationship.

This is our site, let's make the most of it.

Miss Sylvia Veloso

domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

02/08 3º HC

Dear students,
In order to complete your task you can visit these web pages:

Twentieth Century Inventions

Timeline inventions from Ancient BC to today.

A site that explains some Chinese inventions

Another good site with information about Chinese inventions.

A list of links to food related inventions

The history of communication.

Best regards,

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