
Dear Students,
Internet is a tool that we will certainly use in this learning process. This is a space for us to keep in touch,to plan our work, to help solve doubts,etc. So, please keep that in mind when working, and avoid wasting your time(and ours)in visiting pages you alredy know you are not allowed to, nor posting comments with offensive or mean words. You know that respect is the fundamental core of our teacher-student relationship.

This is our site, let's make the most of it.

Miss Sylvia Veloso

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

October 17th - 3º Electivo - SOCIAL NETWORKING

1. The background

a. Define Social Networking.

b. Give 5 examples of social networks

c. For each of the five of the social networking sites include the following:

1. The logo

2. Creator

3. Objective (What is it used for)

2. The vocabulary

a. Match these words with its proper definition:



1. blog

to believe that someone is good to you and won't do anything bad

2. founder

a person who started something

3. celebrate

to add new information about something

4. interact

to use together

5. sign up

something you want to do

6. share

to write something in a different language

7. survey

to talk to each other and work together

8. aim

questions that you ask people in order to find out what they think about something

9. update

to join , become a member

10. environment

the world around us

11. trust

a webpage that has information on a certain subject; the newest articles are at the top

12. translate

to do something nice and have fun at a special event

b. Choose 10 words from the vocabulary list and write 10 complete sentences in English.

3. The video

On YouTube search the video under the heading: “Social Networking in Plain English”

Watch and listen the video and complete the script:

Networks get ……………………………. done. Whether it's sending a ……………………………. or lighting your home. Networks make it ……………………………..

To get from ……………………………. to Santa Fe, we need to see the network of ……………………………. that will get us …………………………….. We see that Chicago is ……………………………. to St Louis, which is connected to Dallas, which is connected to Santa Fe.

Of ……………………………. , people networks can help us with finding ……………………………. , meeting new ……………………………. , and finding ……………………………. . You know how it works. Bob is your friend, he knows Sally, and Sally's friend Joe has a job for you. This is a network of ……………………………. - a social network.

The ……………………………. with social networks in the real ……………………………. is that most of the connections ……………………………. people are hidden. Your network may have huge ……………………………. , but it's only as ……………………………. as the people and connections that you can …………………………….

This problem is being ……………………………. by a type of web site ……………………………. a social networking ……………………………. . These websites help you see connections that are ……………………………. in the real world.

Here's how it works. You sign up for a ……………………………. account and fill out your ……………………………. . Then, you look for people you ……………………………. .

When you find ……………………………. , you click a ……………………………. that says, "Add as Friend". Once you do this, you and that person have a ……………………………. on the website that others can see. They are a ……………………………. of your network, and you are a member of theirs.

What's really ……………………………. , is that you can see who your friends know, and who your friends' friends know. You're no ……………………………. a stranger, so you can contact them more ……………………………. .

This ……………………………. a real world problem because your network has hidden ……………………………. . Social networking sites make these connections between people ……………………………. .

Like a ……………………………. for a highway, they can show you the people network that can help you get to your next ……………………………. , whether it's a job, a new partner, or a great ……………………………. to live. Your network is suddenly more ……………………………. .

You can get ……………………………. at these sites, LinkedIn, Facebook, and MySpace.

I'm Lee LeFever, and this has been Social Networking in Plain English on the Common Craft Show.

4. The interview

a. Create a short survey (10 questions) about the use of social networking in English .

E.g. What social networking websites do you visit? How much time do you spend/ How often do you…, etc

b. Interview 20 people from your elective or class group.

c. Check the answers from the interview score the results and design graphs (bar/pie).

1 comentario:

  1. Dear students, please send your assigments in .doc format to my email address (sylviecilla@gmail.com)
    The deathline is Next Monday (the 31st).

    Don't forget to include your names in the assignment.
