
Dear Students,
Internet is a tool that we will certainly use in this learning process. This is a space for us to keep in touch,to plan our work, to help solve doubts,etc. So, please keep that in mind when working, and avoid wasting your time(and ours)in visiting pages you alredy know you are not allowed to, nor posting comments with offensive or mean words. You know that respect is the fundamental core of our teacher-student relationship.

This is our site, let's make the most of it.

Miss Sylvia Veloso

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

8º -Web quest – Guinness Records. PART TWO

PART 2: Guinness Records LISTENING

IV. Listen to the audio "Record in space" and complete the text using the words from the table:
















Veteran Russian ……………………………….Sergei Krikalev has set a new ……………………………….for the most cumulative time spent in ……………………………….. The current ……………………………….Space Station commander chalked up his 748th day in orbit on ……………………………….16. He will celebrate his record-breaking feat by embarking on a six-hour space walk to undertake ……………………………….maintenance and upgrades outside the space ……………………………….. Krikalev, 46, arrived at the platform in April for a six-month stint. His first voyage into space was in ……………………………….1988 on a sojourn to the now-defunct Mir space station. In 1994, he was the first ……………………………….to ride on the space shuttle and he was on the inaugural mission to assemble the International Space Station in 1998.

Krikalev said his ……………………………….was a “challenge”. He explained his reasons for choosing to spend so much time in space: “Why do people climb ……………………………….? — It’s cold, it’s windy, it’s difficult to haul up all of the ………………………………., but then it’s exciting. You overcome some difficulties. You see some new sights. You do things that other ……………………………….cannot.” He said living in the heavens was the most exhilarating endeavor he could ever imagine. Neither does he mind being used as a guinea pig by scientists back on Earth. His repeated exposure to the ……………………………….of extended periods of time in space has provided volumes of precious data on the physical and ……………………………….stresses on the body.

V. Watch the video “the Best Guinness World Records in the world” and arrange these sentences according to the order they appear.

…… A man who can carry a woman with his beard.

…… A man who can twist a woman many times.

…… A man who crashes watermelons using his head.

…… A man who eats onions.

…… A man who jumps into a small swimming pool.

…… A man who throws a person the furthest.

…… A man with the loosest skin

…… The hairiest man on his face.

…… The highest basketball jump.

…… The man who can catch flying arrows.

…… The tallest man in the world (226 cm).

VI. Watch the video “The Guinness World Records” and choose the correct alternative for the following questions.

1. Cuantos cuchillos lanzó Froudini para batir el record mundial?

a. 72

b. 79

c. 92

2. En qué continente se llevó a cabo el salto más alto del mundo?

a. South América

b. South África

c. Europa

3. De qué nacionalidad son los hombres que batieron el record de recorrer mayor distancia a remo?

a. Irlandeses

b. Ingleses

c. Italiano

4. A qué altura fue lanzada la persona que batió el record en salto “bobbing”

a. 18 pies 2.92 pulgadas

b. 15 pies 9.02 pulgadas

c. 55 pies 9.29 pulgadas

5. Cuántas personas participaron en record que ostenta la mayor cantidad de paraguas moviéndose?

a. 1457

b. 1674

c. 1461

6. Por cuánto tiempo las personas estuvieron moviendo sus paraguas?

a. 24 segundos

b. más de 6 minutos

c. menos de 6 minutos

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