
Dear Students,
Internet is a tool that we will certainly use in this learning process. This is a space for us to keep in touch,to plan our work, to help solve doubts,etc. So, please keep that in mind when working, and avoid wasting your time(and ours)in visiting pages you alredy know you are not allowed to, nor posting comments with offensive or mean words. You know that respect is the fundamental core of our teacher-student relationship.

This is our site, let's make the most of it.

Miss Sylvia Veloso

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

1º medio 03/07

I.             Go to this website and complete the table below

1920's Fashion
Women started wearing ……………………………..


Women started wearing ……………………………..

Women along with men started wearing………………

Women started wearing …………………………………… and also …………………………….

People started wearing …………………….

People started wearing …………………….

People started wearing …………………….

People started wearing …………………….

People started wearing …………………….

II.        Go to this website and answer true or false.  Correct false statements

  1. Isabella Blow died at the age of 49 years old
  2. Christa Worthington commited suicide jumping from her apartment
  3. Madame Gres was famous for designing gowns.
  4. The fashion designer who wore an angora jersey turban was Ossie Clark
  5. Gianni Versace was killed by  Andrew Cunanan
  6. Bluckmarine was the name of Tarabini’s Italian fashion house
  7. Helmut Newton worked as a photographer
  8. Cristian Dior created menswear for famous actors like Schwarzenegger.

III.      Go to the following webpage and find these phrases

  1. La moda es un lenguaje que cuenta la historia de la persona que lo usa.

  2. Más personas están involucradas en el proceso de comprar, vender y producir ropa que en cualquier otro negocio en el mundo.

  3. La moda es algo que enfrentamos todos los días.

  4. La ropa demuestra el grupo a las que las personas pertenecen.

  5. La aceptación o rechazo de un estilo es una reacción a la sociedad en la que vivimos.

  6. La ropa puede ser utilizada como un arma política.

  7. Los avisos en los buses, publicidades y revistas nos dan una idea de qué usar.

  8. Es fácil ver lo que es popular al mirar las comedias en televisión.

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